Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Confidence in God's Plan

Last week I went on a Campus Ministry Senior Retreat at the Gainey Conference Center in Owatonna, MN. The theme of the retreat was having confidence in God's plan. During our time there, we enjoyed our time together spending it in group prayer, small group discussions, and personal reflection.  I had the chance to escape from the cities for some quiet solitude and simplicity. I just wanted to share a few of my thoughts that I had time to reflect upon during this time of gratitude. God will continue to lead me and continue to do good works in my life. He has given me so much and I owe Him my everything. No matter what happens after graduation, I know he will guide me down the path He wants me to

Swimming Success!

My last MIAC championship swim meet was a complete success! I had the best meet of my entire swimming career! I got all life time best times: 200 IM (2:10.31) 400 IM (4:40.92) and 200 FLY (2:09.24)! All of the goals that I set for myself over the past four years have been accomplished and my swimming dreams have been achieved! I could not be more happy with how my career as a swimmer came to an end! I am truly the luckiest girl to have had such AMAZING coaches, teammates, and supportive parents to get me through this time of my life!A big, big thank you to all of the encouraging people who motivated me and pushed me to reach my goals over the years. I still can not believe that this is me on this podium- I am so happy in this moment I will never forget it!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Flying Finish!

This Saturday will be my last time competing in the MIAC Conference Championship meet and after a 15 year long career in competitive swimming, I will say goodbye to swimming competitively.  There is a chance I will someday belong to a masters program and swim when I am older, but no longer will I be an active member of a family of 70+ swimmers.  There's no doubt I will always be a part of the swimming family and community because my passion for the sport is ingrained into my soul, but it will be... different (this is sad) but in a good way (trying to cheer myself up).  This meet will be my best one yet because I know I will swim my heart out and give it everything I have left.  My emotions are definitely mixed with excitement, nervousness, and anxiousness.  My team actually has the chance to claim both men's and women's championship titles for the first time in all of St. Thomas history, which adds to the mix as well!  Can't wait!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2013 is finally here!

Happy 2013! This is going to be one great year! I am excited for many new memories and exciting moments. I am very thankful for the wonderful year I had in 2012 and I know 2013 holds even more opportunity for me. Here's to a spectacular 2013!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Step Back and Enjoy

The week before final exams is always stressful.  Group projects are coming to a close, paper deadlines are fast approaching, and my brain is approaching full capacity! On top of it all, a huge snow storm had to come and tempt me with it's beauty and promises.  It is very difficult to study when all you want to do is bundle up, build a snowman, and go sledding.  I am one who has a very long to do list and my priorities seem to become all jumbled with the fresh white blanket that has been laid in front of me.  At this point in time when my stress level seems too high to deal with, I think it is time to step back and enjoy one of my favorite pastimes; playing in the snow!

I also find myself wishing that time would speed up through finals week so we could just fast forward through this stressful time.  Then I realized that I should not wish for time to pass any faster than it already does.  I can't believe that my college career is almost over! These 4 years have been some of the greatest years of my life so far and I do not want to them to be over.  So again I am reminded that life is what it is, so we should all just take a step back and enjoy it.  No matter what happens or what stress may come your way, it is important to enjoy the little things that make this world great and soak them up to shine onto others so they can enjoy them too.

Monday, December 3, 2012


 This is the season to believe!

Tis the season

I love this time of year! The time between Thanksgiving and Christmas when I love listening to Christmas music, decorating the tree, baking gingerbread cookies with family and friends, and enjoying the cold snowy weather (which is coming I just know it!) This wonderful, jolly time is for peace, happiness, and love.  This time of year should always remind of us the relentless love that Jesus gives us everyday and we should try to live more like him, especially during this holiday season.  It is so easy to get wrapped up in gifts, that the true meaning of Christmas is sometimes forgotten and lost in the hustle and bustle of this busy time of year.

This Advent season, it is my goal to spend less, but give more.  I want to spend less money on unthoughtful, meaningless gifts (you know the ones you buy because you think you have to) and spend more of my time and presence on those things that mean a lot to me and where I have the potential to make a difference.  I want to love more like Jesus and to do this I am going to try to think of those less fortunate than I am and start there.  By donating my time and presence to these people will hopefully make a difference in not only their day, but hopefully their holiday season too.