Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Jersey Girl

For 8 years of my life, I lived in Sparta, New Jersey.  This was a big part of my life- - middle school and high school years.  I can still remember exactly what the town looks like even though it's been about 4 years since I've been there.  I can still picture my old, brick house on Crystal Rock Road that was on top of Sparta Mountain and the Lake Mowawk boardwalk where I spent most summer nights. After seeing all of the posts and pictures on the news and on social media outlets from my friends of what Hurricane Sandy did to what I consider my hometown, I felt the anxiety building as I saw each picture.  I wanted to make sure everyone was okay and after many prayers and checks on Facebook, I relaxed a little bit.  However, I was still devastated to see the demolished streets where I learned to drive, the tree covered outdoor pool where I spent all of my summers there, and the shredded high school football field where I used to play powder puff with my friends.  My family used to visit the Jersey Shore frequently and we would go for long walks on the beach competing to see who could collect the most seashells.  Now, completely that the area is wiped out, the memories are stronger than ever.  Having family and friends living near by NYC, I was worried about them too.  I am very relieved to see everyone is safe, thank God for Facebook.  Seriously, without power and without their posts I would have no way of knowing their status in relation to the extremity of the storm.  Still praying for all of those who may have lost their loved ones or their houses. 

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